Myspace Glitter Text

Saturday 9 April 2011

iLOVEyou .

weh kau ! dgr ta ? aku sayang gila kat kau lh bangang ! (ganas ! raawwrr ! :p ) hee , the person that i reallyreally love in the world ! iLOVEyousayang ! loveLOVElove . laa , kau dengar ta ne ? peace ~ you always make me smile , happy n feel di loving . eventhough , firstfirst memang banyak halangan in this our relation . but , u hve a high spirit , then make us together until today . wah , terharu aku siot ! hee , dah sebulan . ta caya smpai tahap ne kn . sukasukasuka ! hari ne genap sebulan kan . wah ! emm , my last exbf can stand wif me for oneyear . i hope u n me more than that . because i reallyreally love u . i don't want to release u . don't want to lose u . whatever it is . selagi kau ta berubah hati , selagi kau ta curangcurang . aku seribu kali setia dengan kau . kau na taw sebab apa ? sebab aku sayang fullblast kat kau . kau caya ta cakap aku ne ? :'( . tapa lh , aku ta mintak kau na pcaya kat aku hundred percent . yg penting aku dah bg sayang aku kat kau thousand , thousand and thousand percent ! 
shit ! i can't explain how much i love u . it's a BIG love , for sure . pless , sayang . don't make me fool , love me like i love u . hee , tapi . kau ne kn . kadangkadang buat ak panas juga tw . hee , kau tamo kalah ! selalu na menang . ee , aku cepuk budak ne kang . wellkk :p . sometimes also , make me funny , kau selalu usik aku . geli pusat aku taw . adeh ~ tapi , aku na habaq mai satu cita . ramai orang jeles aku couple dengan kau . hah ! aku ta kesah , aku dah pilih ko dari dorang . sukahati aku lh . knknkn ? busy bin body betol . by the way , it's true from me , you are very kind love that i ever had . kau pandai jagaa hati aku , faham apa aku maw , gentleman , solat lima waktu . alalalalaa ~ comeyy nye :)) akusukasial ! hee ~ i think i have to stop here . kalau aku ta henti , confirm ta muat blogg ne . terlalu banyak benda indah tentang kau . and i wish , let it be in my heart . last word from me to u . i hope u be loyal wif me , love me . then , for sure i'll be like that also . loveYOU ! youAREmine !


Atiqah Shahirah

bhaya !! sazwa di lamun cinta !!
bahaya !! selamatkan diri anda !!!! ahaha


hee , kau tuh qah . jangan kau begitu bah . ZAINALD ! nah kn , tetiba ~

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