Myspace Glitter Text

Tuesday 19 April 2011

means ?? :(

A friend means... That a person will stand by you NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.

"Friend" means they are there for you when you need it and they know you'll be there for them when they need it. They know you well enough to not have to ask whats wrong, they know. They give and expect nothing back, because they know you would do the same for them.

A friend is someone who likes you for you are and helps you when you're sad or in a crisis. You can have serious and funny moments too. You may get in fights but you're like sisters at heart. You trust eachother with your life and she's always there for you. She doesn't pretend to be someone shes not around you and you can both be yourself when you're together. She doesn't treat you wrong but with respect and you respect her too. You dont get embarrassed with her around and you are always honest with eachother. Its also someone who will try to stay in touch with you over many years. Its also someone who supports you no matter what.


si sakit ati



k , mana ja lah .

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